Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy is a gentle, safe and effective treatment to improve the appearance of many skin irregularities. This advanced light treatment can help to treat rosacea, thread veins, spider veins, uneven pigmentation, sagging skin and many common signs of ageing. It can also be used effectively to treat active acne and acne scars.
IPL uses a range of wavelengths that penetrate just below the skin’s surface where the melanin absorbs the light. This causes damage to the pigment forcing the skin’s natural defenses to come to the rescue. The body instinctively works to remove the damaged melanin and also releases repairing collagen at the same time. These two actions can produce incredible results to the appearance and texture of the treated areas.
The treatment usually takes around 45 minutes. During this time, most clients say they usually experience a mild ‘pinging sensation’ as if being flicked by an elastic band. You can return to your normal daily activities directly after treatment. While improvement can be seen following a single treatment, a course of six sessions is usually recommended for optimum results.
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy can be used to improve skin concerns on the face, chest and hands. The skin on these parts of the body is most often exposed to sun damage – IPL can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots and pigmentation.