Dr Seema Hirji
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Dr Seema Hirji
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Laser Hair Removal

Dr. Seema’s Skin & Laser Clinic provides safe, affordable, permanent reduction in unwanted hair, everywhere. Using medical grade lasers, operated by qualified and certified technicians, our hair removal treatments deliver the highest quality results with professional and friendly service.

We want to get to know you. Achieving the best results starts with us understanding your concerns and history, which is why we begin every new treatment with an in-depth, complimentary consultation and expert advice, to develop a treatment plan just for you.


At Dr. Seema’s Skin & Laser Clinic we take safety very seriously.


Laser Hair Removal for Women | DermaWorld


What is our Lifetime Appearance Promise?


At Dr. Seema’s Skin & Laser Clinic, we are proud to stand behind our services, and we believe all our clients deserve the best possible results. In most cases, six to eight treatments are all that it is required to achieve the desired result, but if further Laser Hair Removal treatments are required after the completion of ten treatments, we promise to provide additional Laser Hair Removal treatments to you at 40% off for the rest of your lifetime! *

Who is suitable for laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal achieves the best results for people with fairer skin and darker hair, however our laser technology and laser preparation products allow us to treat a variety of skin and hair types. Laser hair removal is not suited to grey or white hair. For grey or white hair, electrolysis is a proven technique that is very effective and is available at the clinic. Your Laser Technician will be able to assess your hair during a free consultation.


What laser do you use for hair removal?


We have a range of lasers with different wavelengths (NdYag 1064 nm, Diode 808 nm and Q-Switch) that we can use to customize your treatment according to the thickness and colour of your hair. Treatments are quick, comfortable and effective, giving instant results.

How does laser hair removal work?

The lasers produce a near infra light which targets the pigment in the hair follicle, without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. This light then generates heat within the hair follicle to sever the connection between the follicle and its blood supply destroying hair in the active growth stage only.


Is laser hair removal permanent?


No lasers can claim to have achieved 100% permanent hair removal. However, lasers can, in most cases, achieve permanent hair “reduction” with approximately a 70% – 90% reduction in hair growth.

These results are dependent on the individual and can be influenced by such things as skin type, hair colour, and hormones.


Is laser hair removal painful?


At Dr. Seema’s Skin & Laser Clinic our cooling systems are designed to keep the surface of the skin cool so that maximum energy from the laser can reach its target matter. A very happy consequence of these cooling systems is that our clients find it dramatically improves their level of comfort throughout treatments.

Many clients have likened the treatment to the feeling of having an elastic band flicked against the skin. Please note that pain thresholds differ substantially from patient to patient. If pain is an issue, topical anesthetic can be applied prior to treatment.



How many treatments will I need?



The number of treatments can vary, depending on the individual and can be influenced by skin type, hair colour, medications, and hormones.

Depending on the area being treated, a course of 6 – 8 treatments is generally required to achieve the most significant hair reduction results. Your technician will make a recommendation of the number of treatments you require as part of your complimentary consultation and treatment planning session.


How often do I need to be treated?


As hair growth is cyclical, it is recommended that a treatment is repeated every 4 – 6 weeks for facial and for body areas, until the entire course is completed. However, your technician will monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan if required.

We recommend clients adhere to their treatment plan, as missing an appointment or leaving a long period of time between treatments will not achieve optimum results.


Laser Hair Removal Series: How to Prepare? - Hillandale Primary Care

What areas can be treated?


Nearly all areas of the human body are treatable.


What age can I start laser treatments?


At Dr. Seema’s Skin & Laser Clinic we recommend Laser Hair treatments for clients over the age of 14 years.


What if I am on medication?


Some medications (e.g. acutane) have photo-sensitizing properties which can increase the risk of an adverse reaction, so it is important to bring along a comprehensive list of any medications or supplements you are on to discuss with your technician prior to treatment.


What if I have PCOS or other hormonal imbalances?

Clients with hormonal imbalances or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCO) are recommended to consult an endocrinologist for evaluation and possible medical treatment. These clients tend to have excess hair growth secondary to their medical condition and may find that they require both medical treatment as well as ongoing laser treatment, in order to achieve optimum results.


What do I need to do to prepare for my laser hair removal appointment?


Before your appointment, please ensure that:

  • No waxing, tweezing, creams, epilating or bleaching to the area for 4 weeks prior.
  • No sun exposure to the area for 2-4 weeks prior.
  • No sunburn to the area for 4-6 weeks prior.
  • No Microdermabrasion to the area for 1 weeks prior.
  • No Dermal Peels to the area for 1 weeks prior.
  • No Dermapen to the area for 2 weeks prior.
  • No LHR to the area for 4 weeks prior.


How do I care for the area after treatment?


Redness and swelling of the skin are common and can last up to 48 hours after your treatment.

  • Soothing Gel/ Repair Cream recommended by the Clinic, must be applied for a minimum of 3 days after your treatment, morning and night, in place of any other moisturizer.
  • Skin cleanser must be used to cleanse the treatment area for a minimum of 3 days after your treatment.
  • Face & body scrub must be used 2 times each week starting a week after your treatment.
  • SPF must be applied to all treatment areas and sun exposure must be avoided at all times.
  • It is recommended that only minimal makeup is applied to the skin for the first 3 days after laser treatment.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity, hot showers, pools, spas and saunas for up to 48 hours post treatment.
  • When treating underarms, deodorant must not be applied for 12 hours post treatment.