Mesotherapy is a word derived from the Latin words "meso" and "therapy". Mesotherapy, which literally means "medium treatment", is a form of aesthetic treatment. It is a procedure performed on the middle layer of the skin using a needle as a method similar to Acupuncture. The process of injecting amino acids, minerals, enzymes and vitamins into the middle layer of the skin with the help of needles (sometimes alone or mixed with each other), is called mesotherapy. Legally, mesotherapy can be applied to all healthy individuals over the age of 18. However, there are people who have some conditions in which mesotherapy cannot be applied or who have conditions that prevent the application. Mesotherapy has a very wide application purpose and application area. Various factors such as the person's health status, age, physical characteristics, and need are the conditions that change the content to be injected with microinjection application. Hence treatments are made individually.